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Elzed Errors By Category

We've grouped the error codes into the categories listed below. You may also view the error code list by number.



0noErrorA back-handed way of saying "success". API calls that succeed return "no error".
1000normalExitReturned by an operator that wants the evaluator to stop working, but does not want to raise an error.
9990demoLimitExceededDemo mode limit exceeded. Sorry--your time is up. Why not buy a license?
9999unknownErrorUnknown error. Not even Elzed knows what happened. Contact Support and we'll figure it out together.


3010notInitializedNot initialized. Elzed has not yet been initialized; make a call to lzInitialize() before trying to use the library.
3020loadErrorMessageFailedFailed to load error message. Unusual; check the text of your error message for weirdness.
3030badExpressionBad expression. Bad enough that the parser can't figure out what's wrong. Check your expression for weirdness.
3040badLvalueAssignment target is not an l-value. Returned when you attempt to assign a value to a non-variable.
3050constAssignTargetAssignment target is a constant or literal. You can assign values only to variables; check your expression.
3060undefinedVariableTarget variable is not defined. Its unusual to get this, because variables can be declared implicitly. It's likely that the variable name is reserved.
3070preexistingVariableTarget variable already exists. Returned when you explicitly declare a variable that already exists.
3080typeConversionErrorType conversion failed. The data type conversion you're attempting can't be done. For example, converting alpha text to numeric.
3090typeMismatchOperand type mismatch. A parameter you passed to an operator was not of the expected data type.
3100overflowNumeric or string overflow. The value you are assigning is too large for the target variable.
3110divideByZeroDivision by zero attempted.
3120nullReturnFailed to create space for operand. Another low-memory related error. Pretty rare.
3130invocationFailedInvocation failed. For some reason, Elzed was unable to call a particular operator.
3140resultIsComplexResult is complex. Returned when an operator provides a complex result, but Elzed had been told to disallow complex results.
3150resultIsUndefinedResult is not defined. Returned when a result is mathematically unknown.
3160numericOpOnNonNumberNumeric operation invoked on non-number.
3170booleanOpOnNonBooleanBoolean operation invoked on non-boolean.
3180stringOpOnNonStringString operation invoked on non-string.
3190missingOperandsNot enough operands supplied to operator. Some required operators are missing; check your expression.
3200extraOperandsToo many operands supplied to operator. Check your expression.
3210arrayOutOfBoundsArray index out of bounds. An array addressing problem; check limits, also check to see if you're using the indices in the correct order.
3220objectNotFoundRequested object not found.
3230outOfMemoryOut of memory. Looks like it's gonna be a bad day.
3270targetLabelNotFoundGoto target label is not defined. Check your expression.
3280resultIsInfiniteResult is infinite.
3440variableInUseVariable is in use. Usually appears if you try to delete a variable that has outstanding references.
3450unimplementedOperatorUnimplemented operator. You shouldn't see this; if you do, please contact Support and tell them what operator you were trying to use.


3300defOpNameNotSuppliedNo operator name supplied. Your operator definition in not complete.
3310defOpNameTooLongOperator name too long. Names are limited to 64 characters.
3320defOpPreexistingNamed operator already exists.
3330defOpNoFixTypeSuppliedNo fix type supplied. An operator must be defined as prefix, postfix, infix, or "nofix".
3340defOpInvalidFixTypeInvalid fix type. Operators must be fined as prefix, postfix, infix, or "nofix".
3350defOpNoReturnTypeSuppliedNo return type supplied. Operators return number, string, boolean, or void.
3360defOpInvalidReturnTypeInvalid return type. Operators return number, string, boolean, or void.
3370defOpInvalidParmTypeInvalid parameter type. Parameters must be number, string, or boolean.
3380defOpAddFailedOperator add failed. The operator could not be defined.
3400defOpNoFuncPtrSuppliedNo function pointer supplied. A linked operator must have a valid associated function pointer back into your code.
3410defOpNoExprSuppliedNo expression supplied. An expression operator definition must include a valid expression.
3420defOpDeleteNotAllowedDelete not allowed. The operator cannot be deleted; you'll see this error if you try to delete one of Elzed's internal operators.


2010unknownTokenUnknown token found. The parser found a token, but can't tell what it is. Check your expression for weirdness.
2020unknownOperatorUnknown operator found. The parser found a token that appears to be intended as an operator, but is not known to the parser.
2030addOperatorFailedAdd operator failed. Appears if a known operator is used in a syntactically incorrect way.
2040createStacksFailedCreate stacks failed. For some reason (probably low memory) the parser could not initialize the stacks it uses.
2050missingRightParenMissing right parenthesis. Check your expression for unbalanced parentheses.
2060missingLeftParenMissing left parenthesis. Check your expression for unbalanced parentheses.
2070missingLeftBracketMissing left bracket. Check your expression for unbalanced square brackets.
2080closeParenFailedClose parenthesis failed. Unusual; check your expression for weirdness.

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