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 Internal Operators 

Math Operators

All math operators take one or more numbers as arguments and return a numeric result, generally a real number. Math operators that can return complex results will do so only if complex results are allowed in the current context. Elzed supports the following math operators:

absolute value

abs( number )

Returns the non-negative magnitude of the indicated number.


ceil( number )

Returns the least integer not less than the passed-in number. For example, ceil( 10.9 ) is 11, but ceil( -10.9 ) is -10.

base-10 logarithm

log( number )

Returns the log base 10 of the indicated number.

complex argument

arg( number )

Returns the complex argument of the indicated number.

complex conjugate

conj( number )

Returns the complex conjugate of the indicated number.

cube root

cbrt( number )

Returns the cube root of the indicated number.


floor( number )

Returns the largest integer not greater than the passed-in number. Don't confuse this operator with the integer function. For example, floor( 10.4 ) is 10, while floor( -10.4 ) is not -10 but -11, since -11 is less than -10.4, but -10 is greater.

fractional part

frac( number )

Returns the fractional part of the passed-in number. For example, frac( -3.45 ) is -0.45.

imaginary part

imag( number )

Returns the imaginary part of the passed-in number. For example, imag( sqrt( -1 ) ) is 1.0.

integer part

int( number )

Returns the integer part of the passed-in number. For example, int( -3.45 ) is -3.

natural logarithm

ln( number )

Returns the natural logarithm (log base e) of the passed-in number.

nearest integer

nint( number )

Returns the nearest integer to the passed-in number. For example, int( -3.45 ) is -3.

polar complex

( number |/ number )

Formed with the bar "|" and forward slash "/". Separates the real (left) and imaginary (right) parts of a complex number expressed in polar coordinates.

random number

rand( number )

Returns a random number between zero and the indicated number. Fraction parts are allowed and will be returned. Negative number are allowed, but will be returned only if the passed-in number is negative.

random number in range

randrange( minimum, maximum )
randrange( maximum, minimum )

Returns a random whole number between the minimum and maximum values passed in. Fractional parts of either extreme are ignored, but negative numbers are allowed.

random number seed

randseed( number )

Sets the seed used by the random number generator. The random number generator will produce the same series of numbers given the same seed.

real part

real( number )

Returns the real part of the passed-in number. For example, real( sqrt( -1 ) ) is 0.0.

rectangular complex

( number |_ number )

Formed with the bar "|" and underscore "_". Separates the real (left) and imaginary (right) parts of a complex number expressed in rectangular coordinates.


root( n, x )

Returns the nth root of x. For example, root( 2, 4 ) returns 2 (the square root of 4).


sign( number )

Returns 1 for positive numbers, -1 for negative numbers, and 0 for zero.

square root

sqrt( number )

Returns the square root of the passed-in number.

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