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Integrating Elzed on Linux

Elzed Versions

We make two versions of Elzed available for Linux:

  • libelzed_static.a -- library for static linking
  • -- library for dynamic linking

Elzed is compatible with the 2.4 and 2.6 Kernels. Only Intel hardware is supported.

Both are functionally equivalent, and are integrated in the same way.

Bringing Elzed Into Your Project

In the following discussion, we're assuming that you're developing in C++ using the gcc compiler.

You'll need two header files: LZElzedAPI.h and LZElzedPublic.h. The first file, LZElzedAPI.h, defines the Elzed API. The other file, LZElzedPublic.h, defines constants used by many of the API calls.

Make sure that LZElzedAPI.h is included everywhere you will be using Elzed, either through a project setting or prefix file, or by explicit inclusion:

#include "LZElzedAPI.h"

LZElzedPublic.h is included explicitily by LZElzedAPI.h, so there's no need to refer to it elsewhere in your code.

Checking Things Out

You can verify that the library is both available and functional by making four API calls:

Call lzLoadElzed to bring the library into memory
Call lzInitialize to make the library ready to use
Call lzEvalExpStrToNum to evaluate an expression and return the answer
Call lzUnloadElzed to shut down the library and release resources

Your code should look something like this:

bool loadSuccessful = false;
double theAnswer = 0.0;

// Load Elzed and proceed if successful...
if (loadSuccessful = lzLoadElzed())  // Intentional assignment...
// Use your own key below, or pass NULL...
lzInitialize( "FAKE_REGISTRATION_KEY" );

// Send Elzed an expression to evaluate...
theAnswer = lzEvalExpStrToNum( "2+2" );

// Unload the library...

The first test, obviously, is to see if your program compiles. Assuming that it does, make sure that the passed-in expression evaluates correctly. If you get the right answer, then you're ready to go. For more information, take a look at the C++ sample code.

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